Murmúrios do Tempo_2

Based on the original 1997 inaugural exhibition of the Portuguese Centre for Photography, Murmúrios do Tempo (Whispers of Time), this exhibition also reproduces some of the thousands of inmate registry photographs from the photographic archive of the old city prison, now the home of the CPF.
I had originally considered the option of hanging the images on the walls but instead decided to design independent structures in order to use the floor space and allow people to walk among the photos. The structures were designed so that the images would be at eye level and reproduced at a life size proportion. Safety concerns obliged me to abandon my initial idea to use candles only for illumination, opting instead for small lights placed around the floor.
The exhibition leaflet (folding out to a poster) was printed in one colour only – silver. This meant printing the images as negatives which then become positive on the black paper, producing an effect which is difficult to show in a photograph of the work – everything which is black in the leaflet are the non-printed areas, the black paper.

Date 2008
Client Centro Português de Fotografia / Silo-Espaço Cultural, NorteShopping