Andrew Howard

1. Short Bio
2. Texts published
3. Publications (author)
4. Lectures / workshops / juries
1. Short Bio
Andrew Howard is a British-born graphic designer, educator, curator, and design writer living and working in Porto, Portugal since 1993.
He is the founder of Studio Andrew Howard, an award-winning practice that specialises in design work for cultural, educational and campaigning organisations and institutions. Much of the studio design work in recent years has been devoted to editorial and exhibition design.
He is director of the MA in Communication Design at ESAD (Escola Superior de Artes e Design), in Matosinhos, where he has taught since 1993.
In 2013 he founded the Porto Design Summer School, an independent, annual, two-week course specialising in editorial design and led by a team of renown international designers.
He is an original signatory of the First Things First 2000 Manifesto and his essays about design have been published in Eye Magazine, Adbusters, and the Looking Closer anthologies, and other print and on-line publications.
He is a member of the International Society of Typographic Designers (ISTD)
2. Texts published
1986 / Printing is Easy, Greenwich Mural Workshop, UK
1994 / Eye Magazine, Essay – ‘There is such a thing as society’. Issue 13, Vol. 4. UK
1997 / Looking Closer 2, Critical Writings on Graphic Design Allworth Press, New York
2000 / Eye Magazine, Essay – ‘Design beyond Commodification’. Issue 38, Vol. 10. UK
2001 / Adbusters, Essay – ‘A new kind of dialogue’. Issue 37, Design Anarchy, Canada.
2002 / Looking Closer 4, Critical Writings on Graphic Design Allworth Press, New York
2011 / Grafik Magazine ‘Live Brief’ Volume 1, London, UK
2011 / Close-Up Catalogue, Faculdade de Belas Artes, Porto
2013 / Design Observer (web), ‘A Manifesto for Higher Learning’, USA
2014 / Revista Pli: Arte & Design Nº 5 Produção, ESAD, Portugal
2014 / Design Observer (web), ‘The Aura of Time’, USA
2015 / Design Observer (web), ‘Interact Me’, USA
2016 / Laus Awards catalogue, Essay – ‘It’s What We Do’. 46th Edition, Spain
2020 / The Design Observer Cooperative (web) – ‘A Question of Identity’ USA
3. Publications (author)
2006 / 175 x 120 48pp. Idioms Exhibition Series, Portugal
2006 / Read Before Using 48pp. Idioms Exhibition Series, Portugal
2007 / Alphabet 48pp. Idioms Exhibition Series, Portugal
2007 / Photographic Calls 60pp. Idioms Exhibition Series, Portugal
2008 / Graphic Forest 44pp. Idioms Exhibition Series, Portugal
2008 / Gateways 440pp. Idioms Exhibition Series, Portugal
4. Lectures / workshops / juries
1999 / Jury / Joven Criador Portugal
2000 / Jury (President) / Clube de Criativos de Portugal
2003 / Panel member / International Society of Typographic Designers Student assessments
2009 / Jury (President) / Titan, Illustration in Design International Matosinhos, Portugal
2009 / Jury / International member, student diplomas ESAG Pennighen, Paris
2011 / Keynote speaker / 9th European Academy of Design Conference University of Porto
2011 / Lecture / A Prensa Porto, Portugal
2012 / Lecture / 2nd Algarve Design Meeting Universidade do Algarve, Faro, Portugal
2013 / Lecture / Plug & Play Porto, Portugal
2013 / Lecture Ciclo de Conversas Design+Multimedia Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
2014 / Lecture / Escola de Arte e Superior de Design de Ourense Galiza, Spain
2015 / Workshop / Fête du Graphisme, Paris ESAG Pennighen, Paris, France
2019 / Workshop / Tbilisi Georgia
2021 / Lecture / Falmouth Collge of Art and Design UK
2022 / Lecture / School of the Arts, York University, Toronto Canada