The Studio

1. Focus
2. People
3. Clients
4. Work Published
5. Awards
1. Focus
Since its inception in 1994, the studio has established a portfolio of clients drawn exclusively from the cultural and educational sector. This has been, and continues to be a strategic objective that reflects a commitment to the creative value of design as a form of social exchange and dialogue. It is within these areas that we continue to find the most rewarding collaborations between the skills we have to offer and the possibilities for their application.
Because we believe that design is first and foremost an analytical process, we encourage clients to incorporate design methodologies at the earliest stages of planning so that together, we can work forward and arrive at strategies and visual solutions based on a shared and detailed understanding.
The studio develops projects that are able to fulfil a wide range of production needs, from the creation of visual identities and promotional materials to exhibition and magazine design. In particular, the studio has wide experience and knowledge of book and catalogue design. Every project is accompanied from its initial concept stages to final print production, ensuring continuity throughout the consultation and design process.
2. People
The studio team has changed various times over the years but all the full-time designers make a significant contribution to the work of the studio. Working under Andrew's art direction every designer has brought their own particular outlook and skills, adding to and complementing the studio’s body of work and its reputation. Probably one of the most notable features of the studio is its output in comparison to its scale.
Current project designers and collaborators
Miguel Howard—Graphic design
Daniel Lopes—Graphic design
João Cruz—Architecture
A special thank you to the following people who have worked full-time in the studio:
João Lima / Jan 2011—2013
João Torres Baptista / Jan 2012—2013
Mariana Carvalho / Sept 2010—June 2011
Rita Carvalho / 2005—2010
Pedro Pina / 2007—2010
França Gomes / 1999—2005
Júlio Pinto / 1999—2004
Alejandra Jaña / 1999—2000
Raquel Santos
Angela Calheiros
And a special mention for João Martino who devoted six years of his talent to the studio (1994—2000).
Project designers
Marina Soares, Ana Ferreira, Ana Raposo, André Hernâni Meca, Pedro Gonçalves, João Sousa, Mariana Gavina, Telma Sá, Rui Moreira, Ana Farinha, Sancha Campos, Artur Moreira, Alexandra Mendes.
Student Placements
Eurico Sá Fernandes, Bruno Rodrigues, Paulo Catumba, Sara Bastai.
3. Clients
Bloomsbury Publishing Plc
Hackney Health Authority
Shelter, National Housing Charity
VSO—Voluntary Services Overseas
United Nations Association
BBC Education
SHAPE London
Medical Campaign Against Nuclear Weapons
AEP, Associação Empresarial de Portugal
AHAB Editora
Areal Editores
Arquivo Distrital do Porto
Arquivo Historico do Porto
Bazarov Edições
Câmara Municipal de Aveiro
Câmara Municipal de Caminha
Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
Câmara Municipal do Matosinhos
Câmara Municipal do Porto
Câmara Municipal de Viana do Castelo
Casa da Memória, Guimarães
Centro Cultural de Bélem
Centro Português de Fotografia
Civilização Editora
Comissão Nacional para as Comemorações do Centenário da República
CRAT, Centro Regional de Artes Tradicionais
Encontros de Fotografia, Coimbra
Fundação António Cupertino de Miranda
Fundação Marques da Silva
Fundação de Serralves
Guimarães 2012 Capital Europeia da Cultura
Jornal Expresso
Museu de Lisboa–Palácio Pimenta
Museu do Carro Eléctrico
Museu Nacional Soares dos Reis
Museu Alberto Sampaio, Guimarães
Museu dos Biscainhos, Braga
Museu D. Diogo de Sousa, Braga
Museu do Douro
Museu dos Transportes e Comunicações, Porto
Porto 2001 Capital Europeia da Cultura
Revista Visão
Silo-Espaço Cultural, NorteShopping
Teatro Nacional D. Maria ll
Teatro Aveirense
Universidade de Aveiro
University of Porto, Editora UP
4. Work Published
1999 / Art Directors Club Annual 78 ADC Publications
2008 / Fully Booked Cover Art & Design for Books, Gestalten, Berlin
2008 / We Love Books! A World Tour Centre du Graphisme D’Échirolles, France
2008 / Typography 30 The Annual of the Type Directors Club, USA
2009 / Typography 31 The Annual of the Type Directors Club, USA
2012 / Page 1: Great Expectations GraphicDesign&, London
2015 / We Love Books Fête du Graphisme, Èditions du Limonaire, Paris
2015 / Best Portuguese Book Designs 2010–2013, Portugal
2016 / Célébrer la Ville Fête du Graphisme, Èditions du Limonaire, Paris
2016 / Slanted Magazine #27 Portugal. Includes video interview.
2017 / Los Logos Gestalten, Berlin
2021 / Ideas of Book Design, August Dreesbach Verlag, Munich, Germany
5. Awards
1998 / Certificate of Typographic Excellence,
ISTD—International Society of Typographic Designers, UK.
1999 / Barcelona Photographic Book Fair, Spain
1999 / ADC—The Art Directors Club, USA, Merit Award.
2001 / Certificate of Typographic Excellence,
ISTD—International Society of Typographic Designers, UK.
2004 / Two Certificates of Typographic Excellence,
ISTD—International Society of Typographic Designers, UK.
2008 / Two Certificates of Typographic Excellence,
TDC—Type Directors Club of New York, USA
2009 / Certificate of Typographic Excellence,
TDC—Type Directors Club of New York, USA
2010 / Prémios de Edição, Best Fiction Cover,
Ler/Booktailors Awards, Portugal
2011 / Prémios de Edição, Best Fiction Cover,
Ler/Booktailors Awards, Portugal
2017 / Nominated, Book category, European Design Awards.
2017 / Meios & Publicidade Best Book Award, Portugal
2017 / Best Books of 2017, AIGA 50 Books | 50 Covers, USA