Ersatz Journal
Editorial (Photography)
International Society of Typographic Designers –
Certificates of Typographic Excellence, 2001 & 2004

Sadly only 12 issues of this award winning journal were produced in total between 1999 and 2004 – including 3 double issues and 3 supplements. Devised and designed as the Journal of the Portuguese Centre for Photography, it contained national and international articles, historical and theoretical essays, exhibition coverage, editorials, reviews and news.

Accidents happen in design work – and sometimes everyone involved misses a blatent mistake. That's what happened on the cover the first issue above – nothing other than the misspelling of the publication name in the swapping of the 'z' and 's' – to read Erzats instead of Ersatz. How embarrassing it that?!

Client Centro Português de Fotografia (Portuguese Centre for Photography)
Format 26,5cm x 37cm
Pages 32–56
Photos by Nuno Moreira –